
5.0 (8 rating)

731 hours of proven experience

4 900 Ft /hour


Verified profile

Considered to be a cheerful, patient, smart and determined person. I am never bored, I always bring out the best of every situation. I enjoy hiking, seeing the world and meeting new people. I graduated from an art high school, where drama lessons laid the foundation for my passion for theater. For many years I have been learning how to play the guitar and the flute. My creativity is reflected not only in cooking but also in crafts, I always surprise my loved ones with self-made gifts. Respecting nature and animals has been a part of my life since I was a child. Currently, there are three lazy kittens and a bad bone golden retriever in our family. I have always wanted a little brother or sister, but this has been the role I played in my family. Nevertheless, I was given many "little brothers and sisters" from life. I attended a mixed group in kindergarten, so I quickly found myself in the company of little ones to take care and help them. During my high school years, several families asked for my help to supervise their children. Many call it student work, but I never saw it that way. I was happy to go every time, even if it meant getting up very early. I received so much love, happiness, and sincerity from them that I returned home rather energized than tired. I have wonderful memories, experiences and friendships from my kindergarten years. Already back then I have decided to become a kindergarten teacher, which was only strengthened by my years spent with the families. I am currently gainig more experience at university, moving towards my childhood dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher.

I really enjoy talking to kids and experiencing the way they see the world. They are such pure and honest little people that it's always a pleasure to chat with them about anything. And, let's face it, with such conversations and exchanges, the list of certain wisecracks can certainly expand. This is what happened when I was talking to the 6-year-old Hanga one afternoon. We were sitting on the terrace when she asked me: "Dorka, do you know who is the toothbrush?" I admit, I didn't understand the question first, but I didn't have to wait too long because I got the answer immediately: "The toothbrush is the child of the giraffe and the hedgehog." I smiled a lot at this sentence, which, by the way, was a perfectly understandable logical thought. Since then, there hasn't been a time while brushing my teeth to not remember this story, which is so close to my heart.

Review by Élő Mária

Kids: Zénó (2 éves), Félix (15 hónapos)

3 hours of babysitting in the family.

Minden rendben volt.

Review by Hanis-Somogyi Andrea

Kids: Lea (4 éves), Liza (4 éves)

55 hours of babysitting in the family.

Dorka nagyon kedves lány, aki rendkívül jól ért a gyerekek nyelvén. 4 éves ikerlányaim rögtön megkedvelték.

Review by Bessenyei Eszter

Kids: Botond (2 éves), Csongor (1 éves)

26 hours of babysitting in the family.

Dorka nagyon kedves, és jól bánik a srácokkal. Nagyon szeretik.

Review by Cziszter Laura

Kids: Anna Flóra (3 éves), Boldizsár (10 hónapos)

226 hours of babysitting in the family.


Review by Fritz Anikó

Kids: Vince (1 éves)

93 hours of babysitting in the family.

Review by Pénzes Mónika

Kids: Nóri (9 hónapos)

213 hours of babysitting in the family.

10 hónapos kislányomnak azonnal szimpatikus volt. Jól kijöttek egymással.

Review by Fodor Szilvia

Kids: Hektor (2 éves)

86 hours of babysitting in the family.

Dorka, pontos, rugalmas és nagyon kedves. Nyugodt szívvel bízom rá a kisfiamat.

Review by Durázi Irina

Kids: Daniel (3 éves), David (5 éves)

17 hours of babysitting in the family.

Dorka nagyon kedves és segítőkész volt, rögtön feltalálta magát, pedig mélyvízbe dobtam :)

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  • Zalán, Lara, Luca, Panna..., Egy hetes óvodai gyakorlatomat egy középsős, 24 fős csoportban töltöttem. Szabadjátékot támogattam, ebédeltettem, öltöztettem, mosdóztattam, altattam, mesét olvastam és besegítettem mindenbe az óvodapedagógus mentorom mellett. , 1 hét
  • Hanga, 6 éves, 2018, 2019 nyara heti 20 óra
  • Csongor, 4 éves , 2017-2018 alkalmanként
  • Luca, 3 éves , 2015 nyara


Folyamatban Óvodapedagógus szak

Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem

  • Jogosítvány
  • Ball games
  • Learning together
  • Songs, rhymes
  • Cooking
  • Non-smoker
  • Creative
  • Outdoor activities
  • Házimunka
  • Állatbarát
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