
5.0 (1 rating)

374 hours of proven experience

3 900 Ft /hour


Verified profile

As I reconsider my past years, there was almost always a smaller or bigger child around me. I love them and they love me as well. I think the most important thing for children is patience, attention, praise, but also consistency to be balanced. I know it’s a cliché but my family, my kids are the most important to me. Unfortunately (or fortunately) my sons are almost grown up: 14 and 19 years old. I melt when they stumble upon me, embrace and say, "I love you, Mommy!" or "You are so cool!" I really like to go hiking, traveling, cycling, reading, eating chocolate and smiling. I think I am an absolutely friendly, positive personality, but also a bit naive, because I see good in everyone. I do not like inaccuracy, unreliable people and cold.

I have a lot of nice memories, but this kid has melted my heart. In the kindergarten where I used to work, there was a little girl who had a partial lack of speech: she did not communicate with adults, only with children. I played, talked and smiled a lot to her. After a few weeks she gave me draws, flowers, pebbles. She sat in my lap, but still did not say anything. As the time passed more, Emma said, “Ildiko! I brought you flowers! “Since that moment, she couldn't stop speaking. She arrived several times a day, hugged me, and said "I love you so much!" Remember Emma invited me. I had to hold her hand while we went to walk to the playground. I told her mom that we'll go together on holiday because Emma invited me.

Review by Zsuzsa Kohanecz

Kids: Emma (1 éves)

361 hours of babysitting in the family.


  • Gábor, 1 év, 1982
  • Sára, 2,5 év, 1985
  • Dusi és Lili, 3 és 5 évesek, 1989
  • Dóri, 6 hónapos-7 éves, 1992-99
  • Erik, újszülöttkor, 2000
  • Márk, újszülöttkor, 2005
  • óvodai csoport, 3 éves, 2018-19


Általános ápoló, általános asszisztens

Dr. Hetényi Géza Egészségügyi Szakközépiskola



Dallos lda Szakmunkáskápző Intézet


Óvodai dajka

Pannon Kincstár

  • SNI
  • SNI Tapsztalat
  • Ball games
  • Learning together
  • Songs, rhymes
  • Non-smoker
  • Creative
  • Outdoor activities
  • Állatbarát
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