
5.0 (2 rating)

51 hours of proven experience

2 900 Ft /hour


Verified profile

I consider myself as a kind, cheerful girl, to whom it is very important to put a smile on the children's face and to make them laugh. Besides that, the regular exercise is also important for me, I would like to pass this for the kids as well. I like doing some sport in the fresh air and teach new form of movements to the children. If the weather does not allow this, then my other main activity comes to the fore, it's creative handicraft. I prefer developmental board games, we tried many of them with my 5 years old son, so I have experience in this field too, that what are the favourites of this age group. In addition to physical activity, the mental exhaustion of children is also important (activity book, coloring books). I think, that they need to be taught the basics according to their age (tidying up, cleaning, managing sibling relationship). I like to get to know new people, children, because I think, that they can teach me a lot. Especially the kids, from who we can receive so much love, that no such thing which is better than this.

Now, due to the pandemic period, it turned out that we were take care of a small group of preschool kids with a lady, where one of the girl's 20 months old brother has been brought as well. We talked that the other lady will be taking care of the two smallest children and I take care of the preschool kids. After two days yet the little boy chose me, he came to me, he accepted the food from me, he held my hand, I was the only one who could comfort him and I could be the one who could put him to sleep. Plus, he gave me a nickname. I became 'Nyanyu'. He wanted to come to me even when his mom was there. While he wasn't cooperate with his mom during diaper changing, until then with me she was cooperate. During this 3 weeks we've got really close to each other. He accepted me very soon, we found the common voice. The little boy grew very close to my heart.

Review by Botos Éva

Kids: Levente (1 éves)

32 hours of babysitting in the family.

Enikő jól megtalálta a hangot Levivel, vidáman és gyorsan eltelt ez a pár óra, amíg vigyázott rá.

Review by Jachir-Biró Anna

Kids: Maja (1 hónapos)

6 hours of babysitting in the family.

Kedves, pontos,... minden rendben volt. Ajánlom másoknak is.


Gyógypedagógiai munkát segítő munkatárs ( folyamatban)

Pannon Kincstár Humán Szakképző Központ



Szinergia Üzleti Szakképző Iskol


Rekreációs mozgásprogram-vezető( animátor szakirány)

Szinergia Üzleti Szakképző Iskola


Rekreációs mozgásprogram-vezető ( gyermekori mozgásprogram vezető szakirány)

Szinergia Üzleti Szakképző Iskola

  • SNI
  • SNI Tapsztalat
  • Saját autó
  • Jogosítvány
  • Ball games
  • Learning together
  • Cooking
  • Non-smoker
  • Creative
  • Outdoor activities
  • Házimunka
  • Állatbarát
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