
5.0 (3 rating)

92 hours of proven experience

4 900 Ft /hour


Verified profile

I consider myself an open-minded, patient, reliable girl. When I was in high school I got the chance to become an exchange student and spend 3 months in Italy. That period had a huge impact on me: besides being the greatest experience a 15-year-old could ask for, it also helped me find myself and something I'm passionate about: learning languages, discovering different cultures and meeting new people. Despite having many interests I've never really been into taking up a lot of different hobbies, I usually did one thing at a time: I had been dancing for 12 years before and for the last 4 years I've been volunteering for the organization I went abroad with. I've always loved being around kids, playing with and taking care of them. Currently I'm doing my Bachelor's in psychology and I aspire to become a child psychologist because being able to provide professional help is just as important to me as making them smile.

A few years ago in the summer I worked at a kindergarten. I immediately made friends with one of the kids: a 3-year-old little boy. We spent a lot of time together and he got really close to my heart within a few days. Basically the whole time I spent with him became my favorite experience but the very best part was him telling me about his family and something that recently happend to him assuming that I exactly know who he is talking about, as if I had been there. I was just sitting there listening to him mention names and places, having no idea who and what they were and I once again realized how precious kids are and how much I love being around them.

Review by Varga-Huszics Andrea

Kids: Viki (4 éves), Adri (18 hónapos)

55 hours of babysitting in the family.

Eddig két alkalommal járt nálunk Dorka, aki kedves, mosolygós természetével hamar megtalálta a közös hangot a kislányainkkal.

Review by Fodor Gabriella

Kids: Marie-Sophie (2 éves), Stewart (5 éves)

4 hours of babysitting in the family.

Szepen jatszott a gyerekekkel

Review by László Szilvia

Kids: Levente (10 hónapos)

20 hours of babysitting in the family.

Nagyon kedves, figyelmes. Pozitív kisugárzását gyermekem is érzi.

  • óvodás csoport, Sokat játszottam a gyerekekkel és segítettem körülöttük amiben éppen kellett. , 2016


Folyamatban - Pszichológia BA

Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem

  • SNI
  • Jogosítvány
  • Ball games
  • Learning together
  • Songs, rhymes
  • Cooking
  • Non-smoker
  • Creative
  • Outdoor activities
  • Házimunka
  • Állatbarát
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