
2 900 Ft /hour



I consider myself an understanding open and patient person. I am a very friendly type, since my childhood. I like to be with people and care about them. I am interested in the world around us, and I always try to improve and learn. I like to try out new things, and give everthing a chance. I think that I can thank a lot of opportunities and experiences due to this quality. I think that the key part in our life is how we care about each other and how we treat each other either they are friends or strangers. I think that it is really important how we treat children and how we raise them. This is what I kept in my mind during my career choice. I thought about a lot of things, I was also interested in health care and pedagogy. In the end I chose special education. I hope that with my personality and my work I will be able to add to the development of others.

My favorite experience would be camping. In my high school I was able to go to the frehman camp for a few years. The camp was for 14 and 15 years olds. The main tasks, the organization and the execution of the programs were also done mainly by us as senior students. These camps meant a lot to everyone, even for the freshmen and for the seniors it was a great experience. Luckily the relationship between them and us was always very good. They respected us and our requests and they have listened to us, but still we bonded really well and made really good friendships too. During these camps I learned a lot and gained a lot of experience on how to be consistent and responsible and still maintaining a good relationship with the campers.

  • Táboroztatás, Gimnáziumban évente táboroztatás. Gyerekekre vigyázás, feladat adás, programok levezetése volt a feladatunk, egy nagy létszámú gólyatáborban. , 2015-2019
  • Kristóf, Áron , Szomszéd kisgyerekekre vigyáztam néhány alkalommal, nem mint egy rendes bébiszitter. Többnyire egy délelőtt vagy délutánt töltöttek nálam, leginkább játszottunk. , 2016, 2020


folyamatban: Logopédia

Eötvös Lóránd Tudomány Egyetem Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar


gépírás alapfokon


  • SNI Tapsztalat
  • Ball games
  • Learning together
  • Songs, rhymes
  • Cooking
  • Non-smoker
  • Creative
  • Outdoor activities
  • Állatbarát
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