
5.0 (1 rating)

85 hours of proven experience

4 900 Ft /hour


Verified profile

I've been working as a teacher of children with special needs for almost 30 years. Most of my experiences I gained in the field of children with visual impairment, but I also worked with children with learning difficulties, autismus spectrum disorderand all kinds of problems children have after extreme prematurity or brain injuries. I have three children, the youngest is 18 this year.
When I work with children I always try to make them active and find things that make them happy. The best is when I can find the ways for a good cooperation.

Recently I was looking after a 6 year old boy, who was born prematurly and had therefore low vision and a slow development. He has a really strong will, he hates certain things, some of them are clear consequnces of his impairment. This time he wanted to be inside, when it was a nice sunny day. and we were at a beach. We started collecting stones, than watching the ducks, so he slowly moved into the water and finally we were both bathing and had fun in the water.

Review by Nagyné Marosvári Magdolna

Kids: Nándi (3 éves)

72 hours of babysitting in the family.

Nagyon elégedettek vagyunk Mártával. Hamar megtalálta a hangot furcsa szokásokban bővelkedő auti kisfiúnkkal.

  • Zénó, 4 év. Egyéni óvodai fejlesztés , 2015-2017.
  • Alex, Márkó, Alexandra, 4-6 év között, kiscsoportos fejlesztés enyhe fokban értelmi fogyatékos gyerekeknek, 2018/2019
  • Flóra, Dávid, Csenge, Boti, Arabella, 2 év, beszédindító csoport Nevelési Tanácsadóban, 2018/19
  • Máté, Levente, Dóri, Ágoston, Csenge, Miki, 6-7 év, iskolaelőkészítő foglalkozás heti 2 órában, 2018/19
  • Matyi, 5 év, egyéni komplex gyógypedagógiai fejlesztés, 218/19


látássérültek pedagógiája - értelmi fogyatékosok pedagógiája

Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Főiskola

  • SNI
  • SNI Tapsztalat
  • Jogosítvány
  • Diploma
  • Ball games
  • Learning together
  • Songs, rhymes
  • Non-smoker
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