
4 900 Ft /hour



I consider myself as an empathetic, patient and responsible person. I really like children and their little world. Although I am a kindergarten teacher, I decided not to work in kindergarten. Things I love to do with the kids: singing, reading books, playing and drawing. I always strive for the best I can, I really like to have a direct relationship both with the parents and the kids. The most important thing for me is open and honest communication, I think it's an essential for this profession. I often bake in my free time, I read a lot of books and listen to music.

My most memorable and favourite experience was with Panka whom I have been taking care since she was 1 year old. In the first few months, I was only able to put her sleep in a stroller. When bedtime came she began to cry. She only slept with her parents, they had a special “sleeping routine”, which was their time after everyone arrived home. After a couple of months, I asked her if she wanted to sleep in her bed. I was reading a fairy tale and then she asked me to sing, and she suddenly fell asleep . I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. That was a big step in our little relationship. :)

  • Katica csoport, Az egyetemen 4 féléven át ugyan abban az óvodai csoportban hospitáltam, minden félévben 1 teljes hetet töltöttünk el egyénileg, illetve a félév során minden szerdai napon az óvodában volt gyakorlatunk, ezek voltak a vizsganapok. Részt vettem a gyerekek mindennapi életében, a szokás-szabályrendszer betartatása volt a feladatunk,és persze a beilleszkedés a csoport életébe. Minden félévben 2 óvodai foglalkozást kellett tartanunk önállóan, a mentor óvodapedagógussal előre egyeztetett témában., 2017-2019


Óvodapedagógia (BA)

Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem

  • SNI Tapsztalat
  • Jogosítvány
  • Diploma
  • Ball games
  • Learning together
  • Songs, rhymes
  • Creative
  • Outdoor activities
  • Állatbarát
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