
5.0 (1 rating)

61 hours of proven experience

4 900 Ft /hour


Verified profile

I had helping instinct in me, from my childhood. I experienced a lot, during my life and I know the feeling of help, when it's coming for the right time and place. I love to spend my time with books, music, drawing. I'd like to use the power of arts to help adults and kids. Because those things helped me a lot, too. Music attracted me to this university, where I can take care of kids. There, I could see what affect has a good teacher on kids. Also, I could see the destroying power on kids of a bad teacher or person. I like to think of myself as an empathic person. I can feel other's feeling, be good or bad and I'm trying to be a solid point in their life. I like to be funny, playful and I had the luck to experience what it feels like when after learning session, a little girl hugs me, and aks me, when will be the next time I'm coming to see and teach her. I feel some kind of warmness in my heart, when I hear things like this from them. It's not my first place of a job, but the best, and I love it.

In this semester, I have a place to spend my practise. My mentor asked me, if I could help a little girl to study. Her mother is spanish, the father is hungarian. The parents speak with each other in english, the mother speaks with her in spanish, and the father in hungarian. The girl is in the third year in shool, and has a hard time with language. I help her, every week, at least two days. It was hard and strange at the beginning, but after a little time it became easy for both of us. I started to enjoy teaching and she often asks, when i will come, why is it not tomorrow. Recently, she did someting, I didn't see coming. She said goodbye with a hug. After that, when she see's me in class, she hugs me and search for me in class. The parents said that, she loves to learn with me and she often laughs with me. These kind of experiences make who I am and I treasure them a lot. I hope, I will experience thins like that, a lot more in the future.

Review by Dr Babics Kinga

Kids: Annasophia (3 éves)

48 hours of babysitting in the family.

Ez volt az elso alkalom, de nagyon kedves, pontos, es jol megértette magát a kislányommal.

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Idegenforgalmi szakmenedzser

Magyar Üzletemberképző Szakközépiskola Idegenforgalmi szakmenedzser


Alapfokú mixertanfolyam

Mojito Mixeriskola


Tanító szak, Folyamatban

ELTE Tanító- és Óvóképző Kar


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Soter-line oktatási központ



Design Akadémia


Rajzelemző szakember

Rajzelemzési Intézet Kft

  • SNI
  • Ball games
  • Learning together
  • Songs, rhymes
  • Cooking
  • Non-smoker
  • Creative
  • Outdoor activities
  • Házimunka
  • Állatbarát
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