
5.0 (1 rating)

17 hours of proven experience

2 900 Ft /hour


Verified profile

if I were to describe myself in a few words, these would be: Positive, trustable, cheerful, definite and creative. I get the most out of any situation. I find easily the common sound with anyone. I can talk to children at their level of development. I try to think out some games that covert develop, teach and educate the kids and I try to use them when I play with kids. The children turn to me for consolation and for hug, happily. I do not think of my work as a job, a task, a burden. I live every minute as a professional. I enjoy and love every minute of my work. I also like ti take care of children in my free time. Children recharge me with energy.

Every day in the nursery! When I see day by day how children develop. Becoming a room cleaner, when they change their shoes on their own, if they are hurt they turn to me. This is when they hug me, waiting for consolation. Or a simple praise, when the answer is a smile. When I get into the nursery and they welcome me with a joy and smile... I could list it, but the point is their experience of success they experience, their striving for independence, their ability to solve. It's a wonderful feeling to be in these moments, to be there by them, and to live, even if it's not our own child.

Review by Novotny Vivien

Kids: Evelin (5 éves)

4 hours of babysitting in the family.

köszönünk mindent

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Kisgyermekgondozó- nevelő

Pannon Kincstár Humán Szakképző Központ

  • SNI Tapsztalat
  • Ball games
  • Learning together
  • Songs, rhymes
  • Creative
  • Also in my home
  • Outdoor activities
  • Állatbarát
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